The World’s First Fashion Show

The World’s First Fashion Show

The first fashion show fundraiser was held in 2010 at Heritage Place in Lebanon, Tennessee. And while we are coming upon our 12th anniversary fundraiser on November 5, 2022, there have been many, many fashion shows before then. But have you ever wondered who held the very first fashion show?

History of fashion begins sometime in the 19th century. Charles-Frédéric Worth, a pioneer genius of Haute Couture, in which the first models in fashion show history, were not even human.

Born and raised in England, Charles Frederick Worth (1825–1895) became the first world famous French fashion designer. He was also the first to create and employ the principles of design and fashion that would be called “haute couture,” or “high fashion.”

Various shots of fashion designer working on a design on a mannequin. He is showing an assistant where he wants changes made. VS of women working in hat design and making workshop. The milliners are hard at work making all manner of hats. Various shots of dresses helping models get changed into different outfits backstage at a fashion show.